Très attirée par l'époque (début du XXème siècle) et par le destin de l'architecte qui a contribué à définir les grandes lignes de la modernité.
Tout en lisant ce roman, je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de chercher des photos de ses œuvres. Une architecture si moderne pour son temps, si libre, en harmonie avec la nature, minimaliste et fonctionnelle, mélange harmonieux de grands espaces et d'intimité... si désirable aujourd'hui!
Sa résidence Taliesin dans le Wisconsin sera l'une des ses créations ultimes mais frappée de malheureux coups de sort. Une deuxième résidence d'hiver, Taliesin West, dans le désert de l'Arizona héberge le siège de la Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
A view of Taliesin West in 1940
Photograph by Russell Lee/Library of Congress/Getty Images
Via Town&Country
Photograph Courtesy of Hedrich Blessing Collection/Chicago History Museum/Getty Images
Via Town&Country
The architect at work in his studio in 1957
Photograph by Tony Vaccaro/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Via Town&Country
C'est aussi le cadre de ce beau reportage photo.
Photos by Bettina Lewin; Styled by Sophie Pera
I have been heavily influenced by the book "Loving Frank" by Nancy Horan, a book about the love and destructive relationship between the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright and his mistress Mamah Borthwick Cheney.
I was very attracted by the style of that period of time (early twentieth century) and the fate of the architect who helped define the outline of modernity.
While reading this novel, I could not help but look for pictures of his work. Such a modern architecture for his time, so free, in harmony with nature, minimalist and functional, an harmonious blend of wide open spaces and privacy ... such a desirable architecture still today!
His residence Taliesin in Wisconsin will be one of his final creations but also the venue of very dramatic scenes. A second winter home in the desert of Arizona hosts the headquarters of the Frank Lloyd Wright.
It's also the scenery of this beautiful photoshoot.
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